here is the wonderful sensomatic site of pimi and flo. be sure to watch advent_ures, their exciting advent calendar.
captain lung has a weblog, too.
sometimes i like to find out what's that site running.
at leo's i learn english everyday. to blame for any language flaws... :)
just beginning a new phase of bloggin' i could write about so many things occupying my mind in the last months since i stopped writing for helma... i think i will distribute a lot i have written in these first moments to different postings later (a pity that i cannot assign a custom date to a new blogger posting backdating is fun!).
and still there are a lot of questions to be answered: who the hell am i? and what the heck does haboglabobloggin' mean?
hello blogger here i come!
from 14 october 1998 until 8 december 1999 there was a weblog called helma in austrian language. perhaps the most popular austrian weblog so far. maybe even the first and only collaborative one, who knows. i participated with helma from the beginning until 14 june 1999.
helma is closed now, but the site is still accessible. what happened in the meantime?
ps: i am writing "austrian language" by intention. for many people austrian might not be so different from german. i should know better. however, yet i have to find a good excuse why haboglabobloggin' is in english...
pps: there are no kangaroos in austria.