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Unterrichtung durch die Präsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages.
Parteispenden über 35.000 € – Jahr 2025 (via twitter.com).
This series is a crash course, a high-level introduction to the most important concepts and risk frameworks. It’s intended for people who encounter risk from time to time and need some basic tools, but don’t want to make a deep study of it.
Sabina Spielrein (via de.m.wikipedia.org).
Ihre Dissertation war die erste psychoanalytisch ausgerichtete Dissertation überhaupt, die 1911 in dem Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen veröffentlicht wurde. Außerdem benutzte sie als eine der ersten in der Fachwelt den Begriff „Schizophrenie“.
Amanda (2022) – a beautiful, almost surreal and hilarious movie directed by Carolina Cavalli (who co-wrote another gem: Fremont).
Amanda, 24, lives mostly isolated and has never had any friends, even if it's the thing she wants the most. Amanda chooses as her new mission to convince her childhood friend that they are still best friends.
This article will briefly introduce the content of this paper and attempt to summarize bundlers from the perspective of build systems.
Wenn du Baumkuchen bei Wish bestellst.
Die Prügeltorte.

Thanks P. 🤩
Smashing Frames (via eh.antville.org).
A lot of boxes on a site with that name.