whew, talking tacheles about simplified writing for the web, today on henso.com. hannes just set-up a nice little test application to illustrate different methods of creating a hyperlink without any html or wysinwyg.
more about markuplessness: rtx, an easy-to-use markup language for writers and documenters (shake your head), no-tags markup and certainly the wiki text formatting rules and examples.
further reading: writing a bibliography: mla style, online writing center consortium, "this html kills" by jim byrne, "the web is ruined and i ruined it" by david siegel (gulp!), write the web website, jakob nielsen on writing for the web.
the other way around: literate programming, an introduction by chris lee. donald knuth, the grandmaster.
not related to the web but nevertheless interesting in this context: z-write, a word processor for writers.