henso-dot-com and brother florian have safely arrived in tokyo and henso already posted some pictures.
that reminds me of the fine cd-rom ribingu rumu produced by two friends of mine. it contains a few hundred impressive pictures taken by barbara denk and karin holzfeind in and around tokyo, combined with pieces of text that describe life and most of all living in edo: "ribingu rumu" is the japanese way to pronounce "living room".
the images are underlayed with really wicked sounds made by michael veigl, a sound designer i warm-heartedly recommend to everybody for the next multimedia production. categorized in different topics, images and sound create a homogenic entity in a heterogenic environment.
i have to admit that i left some fingerprints on that project, too. that's why it comes along with yet another alternative browsing experience: the images are distributed among three layers moving in different directions. and hey: it's interactive! you can set speed, direction and focus of the layers (calm down, i already promised never to do the lingo again).
the only misfortune of this cd-rom is the one of most (if not all) cd-roms: it doesn't sell. however, i promote the order form of this poor little wonderful product here just because it deserves it. you never know.