Outbound Link Summary:
Thursday, 23. November 12000
p3k dots

i already thought it would never be solved, the secret about those few songs on that tape my english teacher sabine jones gave to me in 1996: this weird pieces of music with strange instrumentation, (too) depressive tunes and romanticistic lyrics about the modern urban world are performed by tuxedomoon, "the most european of all american bands" of the eighties.

"when the going gets tough the tough goes shopping to buy something a little nothing to fill up the hole in his heart." – tuxedomoon, "egypt" (from "holy wars")

who was first: salon digital or salon digital? the better question is: who will last? or: who cares?

okay, pocket phone – next step: getting rid of the conventional apparatus. found vocalis (now that's a real jumbo-dumbo) via billiger telefonieren and comparatel. no subscription or monthly fee but bills exact to the second and cheaper calls to other providers and (most important) other countries. ie. to germany for 2,55 ats (5,00 is "normal"). cancellation possible at any time. gotcha! and farewell mrs telekom (btw: how's your share?).

Wednesday, 22. November 12000
p3k dots

i hug you, metababy.

got no idea for the web? how about this one: a website storing personal data profiles that can be used throughout any bloody other website that requires a login – something manila can do already, afaik (can it?).

another one: why not programming an xml-rpc interface for flash 5?

Monday, 20. November 12000
p3k dots

oy, overflashified with a lacing of event horizon: der bauer and from there i got to rusted faith.

recently, webdev had a good link to a super color chart, but there's more to it: visibone comes along with pop-ups for web colors and html tags. colors are a main focus there, the color lab is really fantastic and provides interesting insights to the world of colors as well as netdeuteranopia. now that reminds me on somethindx...

am i colorblind or what? there's also a nice description of "life's minor frustrations (and occasional dangers) for the color blind".

a wonderful book, indeed: electronic plastic designed by "büro destruct", published by "die gestalten". one of the things you can find in sensomatic's bookshelves – and most of the time pretty soon (just like anja oesterwalder's "space manual").

in vienna good book shops are a rarity. regarding design books, the best one i know is lia wolf's. generally, the english bookstores (esp. shakespeare & company) are worth a visit.

österr. kollektivvertrag der fachgruppe werbung. should have read that before i signed my contract.

it's rainer time again! he was so nice to send the link to this well-done are-they-hot-or-not-parody to me: am i president or not?