Outbound Link Summary:
Thursday, 5. October 12023
p3k dots

PostScript is a programming language, Sonoma is an operating system.

PostScript’s sudden death in Sonoma.

If there’s one language that’s been at the heart of the Macintosh for the last 39 years it’s PostScript, the page description language developed by the founders of Adobe, the late John Warnock and Charles Geschke, and their team of engineers. It brought the Mac’s first commercial success in desktop publishing, in PostScript fonts, and early PostScript printers including Apple’s game-changing LaserWriter.

Tuesday, 3. October 12023
p3k dots

'(brackets all the way down).

I dipped my pinky finger into Lisp, following the first few chapters of the book “Common Lisp – A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation”.

Es ist alles gesagt.

Schaut: Mein Kanackendaddy hat noch nicht einmal Wahlrecht, um euch die Pest an den Hals zu wählen, so wie eure Leute uns die Pest an den Hals wählen. Hier in Berlin dürfen demnächst minderjährige Kinder wählen, also eure Geschwister, aber unsere Eltern immer noch nicht. Mein Kanackendaddy hat mit seinen Steuern euer BAföG bezahlt, eure staatlich geförderte Eigenheimzulage. Wenn mein Daddy mich besucht, verteilen sich fünf Erwachsene auf zwei schmale Çekyats und ich schlafe auf dem Boden. Es sind Eure Leute, die das alles machen, nicht meine.

Relevant: muenchenkotzt.de.

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks.

The NeoMutt project.

NeoMutt is a command line mail reader (or MUA). It’s a fork of Mutt with added features.

I want do go to there!

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival.

23rd Edition 27 October — 1 November 2023

Relevant: Méliès d'Or.

Maybe crytpofascist is the better word, maybe even simply fascist.

Understanding TESCREAL — Silicon Valley’s Rightward Turn.

It stands for: Transhumanism, Extropianism, Singularitarianism, Cosmism, Rationalism, Effective Altruism, and Longtermism.

Friday, 22. September 12023
p3k dots

Introduction to Creative Coding.

Circles do not exist.

Since roughly the mid 80s all "high quality" print jobs have been done either in PostScript or, nowadays almost exclusively, in PDF. They use the same basic drawing model, which does not have a primitive for circles (or circle arcs). The only primitives they have are straight line segments, rectangles and Bézier curves. None of these can be used to express a circle accurately. You can only do an approximation of a circle but it is always slightly eccentric.

EndBASIC is a modern take at implementing an integrated environment that offers instant gratification to the user/learner/programmer.

The environment and the language are intentionally modeled after the experience that computers offered back in the 1980s—but don’t assume that those interfaces were too limiting: simplicity is powerful.

Source: endbasic.dev

I ran from Iran.

Die katastrophale Menschenrechtslage im Iran hat viele Menschen gezwungen, ihre Heimat zu verlassen. Einige von ihnen haben uns ihre Geschichte erzählt.

Source: amnesty.at