Friday, 10. May 12024
p3k dots

Web Components from early 2024.

I’ve been having a lot of fun creating reusable Web Components, so here are three that I’ve built and been using this so far this year.

Declarative Design.


Ukrainecast – Q&A: 800 days, what is the price for peace?

The await event horizon in JavaScript.

Resource leaks are considered by many to be the most insidious category of bug in software because of the difficulty in tracking them down coupled with the fact that they often lay hidden until the system is under the stress of a heavy workload.

Thursday, 9. May 12024
p3k dots

Civil war
It’s a motherfucker
Don’t you know.

Development notes from xkcd's "Machine".

How we designed xkcd's massive rube goldberg machine game in 3 weeks.

When one looks in the box, one sees it’s not the cat being groomed.

How Erwin Schrödinger indulged his ‘Lolita complex’ in Ireland.

Schrödinger was a serial abuser whose behaviour fitted the profile of a paedophile in the widely understood sense of that term.

Monday, 6. May 12024
p3k dots

Heat Death of the Internet

You buy a microwave and receive ads for microwaves. You buy a mattress and receive ads for mattresses.

Sunday, 5. May 12024
p3k dots

Isabel J. Kim: Why Don’t We Just Kill The Kid In The Omelas Hole.

They will talk about the history of Omelas in the same way that people talk about the Uyghurs situation in China, the concentration camps of the Third Reich, the comfort women imported from Korea by Japan, the Belgium Congo, the Atlantic Slave Trade in relation to the American South, and the refugees who sink in ships off the coast of Western Europe.

Tuesday, 30. April 12024
p3k dots

F.C. Variable.

We set a new goal. Literally. We have started a competition in which we will question the interactive potential of our illustrations. See if we can score in another way.
