NPM Install Everything, And The Complete And Utter Chaos That Follows.
We tried to hang a pretty picture on a wall, but accidentally opened a small hole. This hole caused the entire building to collapse. While we did not intend to create a hole, and feel terrible for all the people impacted by the collapse, we believe it’s also worth investigating what failures of compliance testing & building design could allow such a small hole to cause such big damage.
…a hacker lab where we can experiment with new ways to interact with the web.

That is one beautiful sensobike! 🤩

Mitmachsupermarkt MILA: »Unsere Tomatensauce ist mafiafrei«.
MILA ist Wiens erster Mitmachsupermarkt. Organisiert ist er als Genossenschaft, die allen Mitgliedern gemeinsam gehört. Wie das funktioniert, erklärt Hanna Spegel.

An out-of-context, very concise comment about so-called AI tools like Chat Geppetto found at lobste.rs:
Using tools is one thing. Abdicating one’s thinking to lying machines built by amoral corporations on the backs of the ransacked commons, burning up what was left of the world our children will inherit in the process is another.

List of 2024 Leap Day Bugs
As I've done in prior leap years, I've captured as many bug reports and outages as I can, along with links to the source where possible.
Computations will “estimate” your aim, tend to miss the nail and push for a different design. Often unnoticeably.

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.
A social platform for Human-computer Interaction researchers and practitioners. Hosted by Princeton HCI. Managed by a group of volunteers.
Relevant: Christiane Grünloh’s Blog on Research, HCI, eHealth, and Academic Life.
The superb voice of Arandel’s Bluette 🖤
Le site officiel de Barbara Carlotti.