Monday, 6. November 12023
p3k dots

The Grand Guignol.

Another feature that defined this theatre and truly set it apart from its contemporaries and even most horror theatre today is its refusal of the supernatural. Instead, the horror and humor of the theatre are explicitly derived from human behavior and the base impulses of man.

Relevant: Paula Maxa, la femme la plus assassinée au monde.

Heißer(!) Tipp für die Wiener Maronistandler!

Der Keschtnriggl ist ein aus Kastanienholz geflochtenes Gerät, das man im Burggrafenamt seit Jahrhunderten zum Schälen der gebratenen Kastanien verwendet.

Shoelace: A forward-thinking library of web components.

Shoelace provides a collection of professionally designed, highly customizable UI components built on a framework agnostic technology.

Relevant: Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework.

Borten, Bommeln, Bändelchen.

Zu Besuch in Österreichs letzter Posamentenfabrik.

Quasi im Vorbeigehen lernt man über Glanzgimpenfransen (das sind z. B. die goldenen, gedrehten Fransen auf Grabkranzschleifen), Krepinen (die blütenförmigen Borten z. B. auf Dirndloberteilen) und Portepees (spezielle Bömmel für Uniform-Degen).


Relevant: M. Maurer (seit 1868).

Internet Artifacts – Browse through the old internet.

So you’ve been publicly accessibility-shamed.

Recently, a popular company released a new product that uses AI to rapidly generate “production grade” front-end UI code. There were – as any human familiar with the basics of accessibility could have predicted – glaring and obvious accessibility errors in the code produced by the AI.

Photoshop’s journey to the web (via

The idea of running software as complex as Photoshop directly in the browser would have been hard to imagine just a few years ago. However, by using various new web technologies, Adobe has now brought a public beta of Photoshop to the web.

Harfenbiennale Innsbruck vom 9. bis 12. November 2023.

Das Fest der historischen Harfe kommt zurück! Unter dem Motto „Keltische Saitenspiele“ präsentiert sich die 2. Harfenbiennale Innsbruck.

J’adore the logo! 😻

So Raku is Perl in sheep’s clothes, and actually surprisingly good for CLIs.


How can I disable the logging of iptables to the console?

$ echo "4 1 1 7" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk