Oh boy…
Chatbot Hallucinations Are Poisoning Web Search.
The age of generative AI threatens to sprinkle epistemological sand into the gears of web search by fooling algorithms designed for a time when the web was mostly written by humans.

Great film, great soundtrack.
In Fabric.
I still � Unicode.
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!)

Leporello.js – Interactive functional programming IDE for JavaScript,
Conventional Comments – Comments that are easy to grok and grep.
Donald E. Knuth poses some questions to Chat Geppetto.
I find it fascinating that novelists galore have written for decades about scenarios that might occur after a "singularity" in which superintelligent machines exist. But as far as I know, not a single novelist has realized that such a singularity would almost surely be preceded by a world in which machines are 0.01% intelligent (say), and in which millions of real people would be able to interact with them freely at essentially no cost.
I myself shall certainly continue to leave such research to others, and to devote my time to developing concepts that are authentic and trustworthy. And I hope you do the same.
Guilty, and I hope npm is not focusing now on the features Microsoft needs… 😜
Bun hype. How we learned nothing from Yarn,
Okay, so Yarn came around, forced npm to get better, and then died. What's the problem? If that's all it did, then Yarn would have been great, but sadly it wasn't. npm was focused on developing and releasing the features the vast majority of users needed. But Yarn was focused on the features Facebook needed. Many of which were not important for 99% of people using npm.
New Frohmanntic, Folge 95.
»Tote Oma« für ein matschig aussehendes Essen ist so misogyn wie »Schwiegermuttersitz« als scherzhafte Bezeichnung für einen Kaktus, nur dass bei »Tote Oma« zusätzlich noch eine Prise Femizid mit in den Topf und die Dose kommt.
Falls ihr das Gericht gern esst, kein Problem, aber nennt es ab jetzt bitte »Patriarchale Scheiße«. Und der Kaktus heißt bei Nichtarschgeigen schon immer Goldkugelkaktus oder, jebildet, Echinocactus grusonii. Sprache schafft Wirklichkeiten.
PostScript is a programming language, Sonoma is an operating system.
PostScript’s sudden death in Sonoma.
If there’s one language that’s been at the heart of the Macintosh for the last 39 years it’s PostScript, the page description language developed by the founders of Adobe, the late John Warnock and Charles Geschke, and their team of engineers. It brought the Mac’s first commercial success in desktop publishing, in PostScript fonts, and early PostScript printers including Apple’s game-changing LaserWriter.

'(brackets all the way down)
I dipped my pinky finger into Lisp, following the first few chapters of the book “Common Lisp – A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation”.