I wasn’t supposed to be Prince’s muse. He always liked to find a female muse for every season of his work, and for the album Diamonds and Pearls the word was that he was looking for a set of identical twins. I’m not a twin, so that didn’t seem on the cards for me. I went along to audition as a back-up dancer for the Cream video. It just so happened that another dancer who auditioned, Lori Elle, looked a bit like me. When Prince saw us together he decided that we could work as the twins. With that a one-week job became two years of my life.
…and Metafilter is still around‽
The Badger Song is 20 years old.
Superfluous Returnz (via studios.ptilouk.net).
The adventures of Superfluous, a very useless superhero in a peaceful village in the deep French countryside: helped by his assistant Sophie, who tries to somehow temper the enthusiasm of her employer, he will try to apprehend the mysterious apple thief who terrorizes the orchards of Fochougny...

Via fm4.orf.at and taz.de.
Relevant: Assembling a Black Counter Culture.
I hardly can put into words the way watching the Peanuts can soothe me.
Everything is data.
Nushell, a new type of shell.
Nu pipelines use structured data so you can safely select, filter, and sort the same way every time. Stop parsing strings and start solving problems.

Relevant: Oh My Posh, a prompt theme engine for any shell.
Relevant 2: Starship cross-shell prompt.
9 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 55% packet loss.
A Pigeon is still faster than the Internet.
In 2009, a company in South Africa proved a homing pigeon was faster than an ADSL connection, flying a 4 GB USB flash drive to prove it. Besides IEEE's speculative work, nobody's actually re-run the 'bird vs. Internet' race in over a decade. Now that I have gigabit fiber, I thought I'd give it a try.
Relevant: IP over Avian Carriers.
Absurdistan, Listenbourg, Soviet Unterzögersdorf.
> 💡 This is how I do callouts in Markdown.
Review: To the North.
What is most unnerving about To the North is how easy it is to understand all of the points of view at play here. Of course, the audience will root for Dumitru, the young man coming from a poor country and willing to do anything – even die – in order to turn his fantasy about America into reality. The audience will be impressed by Joel’s kindness and his Christian ideals, which push him to help a man he knows nothing about. But what if this game between right and wrong is much more complex than one would expect?