Der Macht, die missbraucht wird, ist halt nicht immer mit friedlichen Mitteln beizukommen.
Der Panzer und die Punks: Den Schrott vor die Tür stellen.
Ob russischer Panzer vor russischer Botschaft oder Widerstand von Punks gegen die Volkspolizei: Der anarchistische Impuls ist meist politisch richtig.

Courier Notification Infrastructure.
Courier is an API and web studio for development teams to manage all product-triggered communications (email, chat, in-app, SMS, push, etc.) in one place.
A new kind of chat.
What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?
Stephen Wolfram explores the broader picture of what's going on inside ChatGPT and why it produces meaningful text. Discusses models, training neural nets, embeddings, tokens, transformers, language syntax.

So, you want to build an app that has its data co-located with its UI? That works offline? That synchronizes between clients? And that lets its users own their data? Welcome to the world of local-first web development.
WebContainers – Dev environments. In your web app. (Via blog.stackblitz.com.)
Welcome to the Dark Patterns Tip Line!
We need to take a stand against dark patterns—and you can help by reporting a dark pattern today. It will help us fight back against companies using manipulative dark patterns to take our private information, money, and time. You deserve respect, online and off.
Technology Has Lost Its Pragmatism.
People can only deal with ambiguities. That's our life. Our brains fill in the gaps and we move along. AI Chat works because the person chatting with the computer is the one doing all the work. There's no red light when you misunderstand something. Conversation continues along. It's only when there's some problem that we end up diving into a word or phrase, only to find that each of us means something subtly different.
Good programmers know that every name we use is wrong in some way or another. This is why talking to a programmer can be so frustrating sometimes. They keep asking you to define simple things that everybody knows. They know that everybody doesn't really know much, but the program has to work anyway.
Die Handlung wird von dominanten Frauen und raffinierten Schurkinnen vorangetrieben.
Alle Nick Knatterton-Strips in einem Band legt Carlsen vor: Rechtzeitig zum 110. Geburtstag von Autor Manfred Schmidt, ohne editorischen Ehrgeiz.
Die Emanzipation der Weimarer Zeit war verdrängt, die der 70er noch fern. Wer nicht weiß, dass die Knatterton-Geschichten, die wöchentlich in diesem Mistblatt erschienen, sich zwangsläufig in den misogynen Strukturen dieser Welt bewegen, übersieht, dass Schmidt die von ihr vorgegebenen Muster nicht nur bedient, sondern oft zart ironisch zu unterlaufen versucht.

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Attempt This Online is an online sandbox environment for running code in an ever-growing list of programming languages, both practical and recreational.
Diceware: Generate Secure Passwords You Can Actually Remember!
Diceware is a password generator which creates passwords based on dicerolls keyed to a set of words.