Friday, 24. February 12023
p3k dots

Maxie Wander 🖤

Es ist weniger die Angst vorm Tod als die Unlust dem Leben gegenüber, die mir jetzt zusetzt und mich unruhig macht.


Twiddler – Configurability for Me, But Not For Thee.

As has been the case since the Luddite uprisings, the most important question isn’t what the technology does, it’s who it does it for and who it does it to.


Rita Moreno & Animal: Fever.

Relevant: EGOT – The ultimate red carpet winner.

Awesome big band jazz and swing through the decades.

Wednesday Night Prayer Orchestra – Can’t wait till Sunday.

I made a video which Google does not allow me to easily embed here. Hello, enshittification!

Saturday, 11. February 12023
p3k dots

Back to Chrome.
Bye Firefox.

Friday, 3. February 12023
p3k dots

»Wir sind keine Titanen. Wir dürfen uns den tückischen Fragen nicht kühn zum Kampfe stellen, ihre Herausforderungen nicht annehmen, sondern gesenkten Hauptes den schwierigen Moment verstreichen lassen, um alsbald wieder zu lächeln und nach dem Glück zu streben.« — Catherine Meurisse: Die Leichtigkeit.

Thursday, 2. February 12023
p3k dots

Two-up (via

The Ringie selects a player as the spinner (generally greeted to loud calls of “Come in spinner!” from the rest of the players). The spinner tosses the coins in the air using the kip until they win (and continue spinning), lose (and the kip is offered to the next player around the ring), or toss the kip (take their winning wagers and retire).

Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Lucky Man.

The generative AI revolution has begun—how did we get here?

(…) the breakthrough with generative image models is a combination of two AI advances. First, there’s deep learning’s ability to learn a “language” for representing images via latent representations. Second, models can use the “translation” ability of transformers via a foundation model to shift between the world of text and the world of images (via that latent representation).

Thursday, 26. January 12023
p3k dots

What time is it on the Moon?

The Moon doesn’t currently have an independent time. Each lunar mission uses its own timescale that is linked, through its handlers on Earth, to coordinated universal time, or UTC — the standard against which the planet’s clocks are set.