Friday, 13. January 12023
p3k dots

If doomscrolling is not enough, already…

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2023.

Bialystok & BLOOM.

Inside a radical new project to democratize AI.

Unlike other, more famous large language models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Google’s LaMDA, BLOOM (which stands for BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual Language Model) is designed to be as transparent as possible, with researchers sharing details about the data it was trained on, the challenges in its development, and the way they evaluated its performance. OpenAI and Google have not shared their code or made their models available to the public, and external researchers have very little understanding of how these models are trained.

From the beautifully-designed-games¹ dept.

Oink Games are creating board games and digital games.

¹ The hypothesis: many very good games are designed very ugly.


Wohlriechende Heckenkirsche, Kiss-me-at-the-gate.

Lonicera fragrantissima.

There is one at the Danube Canal where we used to go together and stick our noses in every January ❤️‍🩹

Long-term friends, long-term books.

Joe Haldeman: The Forever War.

(…) the alienation experienced by the soldiers on returning to Earth – here caused by the time dilation effect – becomes a clear metaphor for the reception given to US troops returning to America from Vietnam, including the way in which the war ultimately proves useless and its result meaningless.

K-HOLE #5: A report on doubt (via Ingrid Burrington).

Seeing the future ≠ changing the future.

Relevant: How We Misremember the Internet’s Origins.

Liebe, liebe, liebe lei.

Raffaella Carrà: A far l’amore comincia tu.

Bov Bjerg: »Die Perspektive von unten ist einfach die interessantere«.

Es gibt keine Bildungsgerechtigkeit oder was auch immer, davon sind wir echt weit entfernt. Da mache ich mir auch überhaupt keine Illusionen. Einzelne schaffen es und die müssen dann herhalten als Beispiel dafür, dass es ja gar nicht so ungerecht ist.

Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.