Friday, 13. January 12023
p3k dots

Hate is infectious”: how the 1989 mass shooting of 14 women echoes today.

The massacre at Montreal’s Polytechnique school, fueled by misogyny, is not a horrifying memory confined to a bygone era – rather it seems like a foretelling of things to come.


ChatGPT and the viability of replacing humans with circus tricks.

I admit, I was so flabbergasted by the apparent fluency of the bot that I was oblivious to the mounting factual errors. I was an ape poking at the alien monolith.

Relevant: When large language models fall short, the consequences can be serious. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that?


In meinem Online-Programm Wohl.Fühl.Zeit. lernst du in 10 Wochen deinen Körper noch bewusster zu spüren und dich besser zu fühlen. Ich bringe dir den Umgang mit unangenehmen Emotionen wie Stress, Angst, Wut und Sorgen bei aber auch, wie du positive Empfindungen kultivierst.

Mr. Fart’s Favorite Colors.

Although we think of technologists as bright-eyed optimists — A computer in every home! Cars that drive themselves! — programmers are actually pessimistic, paranoid lunatics. I say this with love, because I respect the hell out of the mindset.

Computers are for Girls.

Some products have been and are still marketed exclusively at either boys or girls, but I'm of the firm conviction that home computers aren't one of them.


Männlichkeit, Krieg und ganz viel Liebe: They Hate The Love.

Ich will euch eure Männlichkeit nicht rauben. Ich will mit euch die Möglichkeit männlicher Körper imaginieren, die nicht im WettKampf mit anderen Körpern stehen. Ich möchte mit euch die Schönheit männlicher Körper erdreamen, die ihre Scham vor dem Wörtchen Liebe lauthals hinaus kichern, statt sie auf andere zu projizieren. Die die juvenilen Garderobenregeln brechen.

Htmx is a library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML, rather than using javascript.

Relevant: Django, HTMX and Alpine.JS: A Match Made In Heaven.

New Words at

Tuesday, 10. January 12023
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Yesterday night, I posted around 50 new stories here – and then somehow made it to accidentally the whole thing…

No, anymore in the morning! 🙀

Of course I have a backup. Of course backup is created after the blog was removed.

From the browser cache and history I might be able to restore half of the postings from yesterday as well as hopefully all the tabs with the content I blogged about.

Stay tuned, non-existing audience; it’s all coming back to haunt you.

Friday, 30. December 12022
p3k dots

New friends, new books.

Enya: A Treatise on Unguilty Pleasures.

Does music have to be smart or does it just have to go to the heart?