The pied piper of Pretoria, or so my friend Tiny says.
Elon Musk’s Wild Ride.
Musk continues to befuddle planet earth. He’s part techno messiah—a being sent here from the future to save mankind from itself—and part charlatan—a slick businessman dragging foolish investors along on ever grander, cash-burning bets.
(I wonder: why would those martianatics fly to a place where you got absolutely nothing, zilch, for a start, rather than try to populate e.g. any of the Earth’s huge deserts? Would that not be much more helpful and sustainable for human beings? And if you want to save this precious species from extinction: why not send a lot of human DNA into space with probes in every direction – even some more millions of years of evolution should not be an obstacle comparing it to the billions of years our known universe exists. Isn’t it pretty presumptuous to believe we are to live and witness interplanetary humanoids?)