23 years ago
p3k dots

it's always amazing to watch people attending their first karaoke party: shy and nervous in the first place, but after they have seen some buddies making fools of themselves they almost insist on getting on the stage, too.

just recently, i sung tony holiday's "tanze samba mit mir" (a big success, btw. <g>) – a song which was used by françois ozon in his movie "gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes" (as seen in january) in a hilarious scene of the protagonists surprisingly dancing in disco formation.

ozon's movies are strange. a few days ago i watched "les amants criminels" on tv, a story about a girl who is so scared about her being attracted to another boy that she convinces her boyfriend to kill the other guy.

then they are on the run, hunted by policemen. they meet a stranger in the forest who locks them up in his hut because he read the girl's diary where she detailed her lethal plans. the boyfriend is raped by the stranger, but nevertheless they seem to feel for each other in a more affectionate way. later, the prisoners make it to escape when finally the girl gets shot by the police.

hard to believe the plot was like that, when i read this to myself... but actually, the hänsel and gretel fairy tale is just as incredible, too.

...and i haven't seen "sitcom" yet.