i am not a very good talker. that's why i am writing in furry english here. however, today i was interviewed by the adolescent part of austrian public broadcast, radio station fm4 (my biggest problem is always to get a low and impressive voice when speaking into a mike. this time i think i succeeded).
along with irene, a media artist (btw: she is host at audio inn tonight), and tom, a 21 year old entrepreneur newbie, we were talking about the "new business" and future aspects of the internet well, as far as it was possible. i mean: whatcha gonna say in between 10 minutes?
at least i mentioned weblogs (the word, not more. so what). and the cluetrain manifesto (some quotes out of the 95 theses).
we did not speak about social circumstances of this new media ipo madness; not about politicians dissing their young and future voters as "the internet generation romping in the streets". and not about software patents, etoy vs. etoys and web culture. i wish we could make good for something and tie up to those topics someday and somewhere. in a more cozy and relaxed atmosphere. and having a lot more of time.
two nice things came into my mind listening to the others: when irene talked about her past in the lofts of new york working on projects with as little money as there was to get and later returning there finding "silicon alley" and her mates being ipodelics, i invented a new comparatives of "broke": "broker".
and this is what i from now on will reply to people asking me what a weblog is: a weblog is the answer of free individual thought to institutional mass media. welcome back, my dignity!