23 years ago
p3k dots

some additional information (ie. an even longer piece of text) about today's "holy shit" song list at euroranch ("heaven, hell and hindi in lousy audio quality"):

neil pepper's cover version i accidentally found on a promo disc of the almost synonymous sampler "stairways to heaven". well, is it not funny? led zeppelin need five times as long for the same song...

out of africa come the springbok nude girls and they are probably the intercontinental siblings of australia's regurgitator (not that i should know but since i got their cd as a present from mark, my good, old aussie-mate, i thought i mention them here). i guess this is what is called fun punk.

the john zorn piece is taken from "torture garden", one of the countless recordings zorn did together with naked city. at the time this record was released, i attended a live performance of the band featuring faith no more's mike patton on, er, vocals (ie. a lot of screaming). patton later formed mr bungle who did almost essentially the same as naked city, only weaker.

meat beat manifesto aka jack dangers was one of my favourites in the early 9t's together with consolidated and clock dva. but wait, ooh, i encoded this with a really distorted overdrive... apologies, it even came from a bloody old tape (tape? what's a tape?).

mmh, the legendary pink dots... i got to know them from a girl in school who obviously belonged to the gothic scene. today she is an aenesthetist. hey, no implications intended! and compared to that time the dots sound even optimistic, don't they? and his voice is way cool.

there was so much written and said about gus gus (wow, now that tops anything what i've seen as "under construction" website so far!) at the time they got popular that i spare myself any further words. i always liked their b-remix of "believe" much more than the original version on the album. so here they are.

ok, now a real special: "yeh ladka hai allah" from the original soundtrack of the movie "kabhie kushi kabhie gam" which must have been a big bollywood box office success this year. i think it is fantastic but already experienced that not everybody is sharing my enthusiasm... if you want to find out what the titles mean, here is a quite cool dictionary. obviously, "allah" has a quite unholy meaning in this case.

finally, eumir deodato ends this musical odysee with his instrumental version of schubert's "ave maria". i guess he must have recorded this at a time when he needed the money. but don't take my word for it. it's elevator music. however, excellent elevator music. i just hope deodato did not violate any of muzak's patent rights.

oh, i almost forgot hank williams jr. and stephen malkmus: i certainly included them only to endear and appease the rancheros taste of music. <g>