7 years ago
p3k dots

RSS Box Beat Back!

I wanted to learn Svelte so I took my long-time hobby project, the RSS Box Viewer, and started refactoring.

It felt great to replace twisted and aged jQuery spaghetti code with reactive patterns, and I am already a big fan of component files, a great ménage à trois between HTML, CSS and JS in one place.

Of course, I could not keep myself from improving a lot of other parts, casually trying out (or even discovering) many things which became state of the webdev art already some time ago – and maybe just now are so yesteryear again (if they are not, yet, they might be tomorrow):

New HTML5 elements, SVG icons, CSS grid, responsive output, ES6 syntax and polyfills, code transpiling, minimizing download and render time – just to name a few.

So may I (in fact a bit proudly) present the new version 18.1.19 of this coded company:

(Sure, it still has the same old-fashioned look inspired by Dave Winer, but behind the scenes it’s running a fresh and much faster codebase. So go ahead and customize your own color-themed RSS box!)