Outbound Link Summary:
6 years ago
p3k dots

Some may come and some may go.


The last Offscreen Dispatch came with a list of 33 independent magazines which ”explore a different niche using the multi-sensory experience of print”.

Here are my personally selected top five (chosen by their thematic taglines):

  • Mayday: culture, society, technology and unpredictable realities
  • MC1R – for redheads
  • Electronic Sound
  • Pet People celebrates the love stories of pets and their people, in one city at a time.
  • Water: a quiet exploration of all things water and life, celebrating its undeniable beauty and complexity

That there still is an evergrowing resource of new or unknown (print) magazines out there might come as some solace for the loss of two online mags I enjoyed reading in the last years: Both, The Awl and The Hairpin recently announced their ends on the same date. 😿