25 years ago
p3k dots

it's very good that christian langreiter gets some credits as a rebol lover. he is really cool at programming (not only rebol i assume) and he really deserves respect (as if i am the one to judge that...). he has an excellent background and i like reading his smart opinions. i became a big fan of vanilla and the wiki concept.

however, although frontier and rebol both might sound "like a symphony" they do not play the same tune.

rebol is simple. usertalk kind of. but frontier is imho not (except regarding manila, what i definitely would want to picture separately). there is some truth in the words of userland's self-chosen worst enemy jorn barger who stated – besides very personal rants – that "anyone who uses frontier is tying themselves to an overcomplex app".

sometimes i have the feeling frontier is made for writing on the net the winer way only. especially since the huge power of scripting other applications is not the main focus at userland anymore.

but there is hope. that is rebol. further, hope also reminds me on hop and zope.