23 years ago
p3k dots

pimi pointed me to this part of the warp website showing slightly photoshopped portraits. a something (show? group? project?) called "blue jam", a guy whose name is chris morris and these faces. slightly disturbing, too.

as usual when i stumble over something i hardly comprehend, yet, at least not in these tiny time frames we got used to being occupied by communication technologies at the speed of light, when something is as bewildering as it is deeply fascinating, but i don't get the secret i suspect behind it, it makes me even more willing to figure it out but also a little bit furious. not to mention that the alleged secret could turn out to be another most disenchanting mock (like those bloody sea monkeys).

so here's a source that at least describes something about chris morris, his radio show "blue jam" and why it is related to warp records.

probably, if i was in front of a radio at a time and a place such shows are broadcast, if i could participate a little more often, then i could take it easier. probably.