23 years ago
p3k dots

banking. the pain in our society's ass.

"bürgen sie nie! und wenn sie doch dazu bereit sind, weil sie ihrem ehepartner oder ihrem kind damit helfen wollen, dann verlangen sie von ihrer bank oder sparkasse vor ihrer unterschrift eine wahrheitsgemäße und umfassende aufklärung über ihre bürgschaftsrisiken. die muss ihnen die bank geben – am besten schriftlich, notfalls in gegenwart ihres rechtsanwaltes oder steuerberaters." schutzgemeinschaft für bankkunden e.v.

while preparing his high school graduation a good friend was persuaded to bail for the parents to grant them a huge credit from the bank. murphy rearing his ugly head, the unexpected hit the fan and now he will pay back the parent's debt his whole life long. except he will make a large amount of money at once.

remarkable besides the irresponsibility or at least naïveté of the parents regarding their innocent child, human destiny and money issues in general, is the incredibly perky immorality of the banking system. but is it not the real power that governs, anyway? in fact, they do decide on the existence of even the most inconsiderable citizens without any democratic legitimation.

you can bet that the issue already has had its psychological effects on his personal state of mind and even has put some tension on the relationship to his long-time girl-friend. all the best wishes from me.

still reading and evaluating...

thomas h. greco, jr.: transforming the planet through alternative economy.

the josef hasslberger page: "economy and social organisation – current economic policy is rotten. that is the simple and direct message we can glean from a study of economic and monetary matters against historical sources and against the backdrop of social organisation in our time, which is conditionedt o a large degree by economy".

transaction.net: how money systems work.

alternative ökonomie?! with a newsletter collection of the monetary freedom network.

ratenkredit-vergleich.de: "mehr als 75% aller kreditgesuche in deutschland werden durch die banken abgesagt. eine dramatische zahl." (please also note the advertising for dr. klein & co. ratenkredite).
