6 years ago
p3k dots

Is reporting Tweets completely futile?

As what I consider the smallest contribution to making Twitter a less shitty place I sometimes report accounts when they mostly post insults, threats, racism, sexism, hatred and/or violence – in any combination.

Or so I thought. Because this is what you actually get when the Twitter Führerhauptquartier deems your report was justified:

While it says the account violates some of Twitter’s rules, it does not say anything what actually happened, happens or will happen to the account (or the up to five posts i reported).

And when I check the account, it is still there, the owner spewing even more insults, threats, racism, sexism, hatred and/or violence than before – in any combination.

Of course, now the owner even suggests something along the lines of making a list of the reporters so on day X their Neogestapo can sift through it for some reckoning.

Ain’t that great?

So I’m asking you, @jack: is this what is going to happen to my account, too, if I would suggest someone should rape you, torture your family, burn your house down and kill your pets?

Just asking for a fiend.