Last week I attended the FAB Demo Day at MODUL University on Kahlenberg.
To my delight, this was not yet another presentation / pitch of your average bunch of tech start-ups trying to solve problems by creating one or two more of it alike – or solving those from an earlier iteration. (Software eats my shorts!)
Instead, the stage was full of admirable ideas, products (which I am sure many have already seen in one of those competitive pitch shows on broadcast TV, a medium I hardly come across twice a year in the meantime) – and most of all: people.
The most impressive ones for me are Alpengummi with their sustainable and natural chewing gum – no oil, plastic or unhealthy sweetener – and Unverschwendet who save produce for disposal and turn it into delicious jams, sirup, chutneys and sauces. (The vanilla-apricot jam simply rocks!)
Unfortunately, neither of both were the jury’s favorite. Nevertheless, I think they will be heard from again – fingers crossed.
Kudos to the MU StartupHub for organizing the event. Afterwards I took the one hour walk downhill to Heiligenstadt chewing one single Alpengummi – which actually lasted the whole trip, beating the “petrol gums” I tried so far by lengths.