blogging for mental health.
after years of scientific research and heuristic evaluation (heheh) the self-proclaimed jane fonda of bloggærobics (aka p3k) has created a very useful and relaxing exercise for all those ass-tightened bloggers out there. it's new, it's simple and it works efficiently. so here it is:
the next time you find a piece of information you consider important enough to post on your weblog, sit back, relax in your chair, inhale once and exhale twice and then simply don't do it. don't blog it. keep it to yourself. keep it as your personal secret; as a thought only owned by yourself.
do this once a day and you will see welog world in brighter colors than ever before. well, actually, we all will see weblog world in brighter colors than ever before. but that probably might be just a nice side-effect...