At the end of the year a bunch of articles having a similar theme popped up in my timelines: the current flaws of the Web in all their multiple aspects, be it from the perspective of a developer or a user’s point of view, and what potentially could be done to fix those. The unifying tune is the menacing loss of the personal, independent, autonomous web in favor of the “social” content monopolies.
Reminder: It all started with Sharing: A Short History of Data.
- It’s Time to Get Personal
(…) we’re sharing on other people’s platforms.
- Building a More Honest Internet
A public service Web invites us to imagine services that don’t exist now, because they are not commercially viable, but perhaps should exist for our benefit, for the benefit of citizens in a democracy.
- The modern web is becoming an unusable, user-hostile wasteland
(…) they’re shipping hamburger buns with exactly three sesame seeds artfully arranged in a triangle, and nobody buys their hamburgers any more.
- How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer
How to make your sites faster than AMP without using AMP.
- “Link In Bio” is a slow knife
Links represent a threat to closed systems.
- This Page is Designed to Last
How do we make web content that can last and be maintained for at least 10 years?