23 years ago
p3k dots

it's time for my first visit to prague.

prag city server: "regarding 'drink', the czech republic is aeons ahead of the rest of us. the beer is exquisite, the girls are lovely, sorry, the wine from s. moravia is lovely, the vodka comes in a million different tastes, bottles and prices (a bit like whisky) and the sub-culture that surrounds the entire subject of alcohol is rich beyond mere words. i rather believe that if it wasn't for the fact that I hate becoming 'tired and emotional' (or drunk, as the state is otherwise known) i think i would probably be a dead man by now".

frank zappa and the prague underground.

das parlament: "klischees prägten lange zeit das bild vom jeweiligen nachbarn. die annäherung zwischen tschechen und deutschen – auch zwischen den einstigen sozialistischen 'bruderstaaten' cssr und ddr – verlief langsamer, als offiziell propagiert".

dobry den!

oh, the central european review suspends publication "so that the cer team can devote itself fully to securing its future"... hopefully.