From all the project management and collaboration tools I’ve seen so far, Miro is the most interesting one because it comes closest to a tailored solution some organisational bodies actually need so desperate.
I once was involved in developing such a custom-made solution for managing joint building ventures called coplaner – with a lot of great ideas and workflows supporting exactly the individual needs of a special interest group of organizers and clients.
While a lot of the workflows in coplaner are built-in and (semi-)automatic, one has to somehow implement and trigger these manually in Miro. I would say that might be the tiny disadvantage you get for a huge amount of flexibility.
Especially worth mentioning are the many tools not targeting either your average SAP-dominated management of business school 101, or the already tool-spoiled flock of software engineers for once in a while.
Because not everyone needs the hundredth iteration of organisational diagrams or another typical workflow to launch an IT platform. Some people are neither middle-management, nor developers. Some people need a Lego bricks approach to find their own creative solution to organise their groupware.