25 years ago
p3k dots

mayday, mayday... first i was too busy to update hgb in the last days. and yesterday i joint arfco 3000's sw/oc program – although it was not sunday (but a sunny day and a holiday anyway). as far as i remember i never went to the same pub four times a day. the exact route (for residents): breakfast at bluebox – refreshments on gerngross shopping mall terrace (with an excellent view over vienna) – crowds of people back at bluebox – sangria at praterpernod at bluebox – pizza at albino's (what a name! and 138 different kinds of variations! no cheating, huhuh!) – and finally rain in front of bluebox again.

ok, what was i about to write? er, yes: nostalgia! local tv station tiv who supports political potentials big time just became 1 year old! 367 days ago i was pleased to join one of their first shows broadcasted via cable. since then a lot of wonderful people had to suffer from my vast popularity...