23 years ago
p3k dots

well, because i am just at it, here's some information about what we are doing at orf on at the moment.

we are setting up a communication system which certainly is nothing less than an implementation of antville on a super-secure server. corporate weblogs, y'know.

actually, the people here need that quite desperately. in first place, because some of them often work at the farside, in different places (some folks call it tele-working, i don't).

but generelly, i consider it as necessity because the company lacks of communication. it's not that there is no communication culture, it's just that everyone seems to have an own one and there are at least three communication groups (or levels or skills or cultures) which do not resonate perfectly with each other.

i exactly did such a project at my former employer, pixelwings, using phpslash at that time (phpnuke just came out afterwards, unfortunately). i think it was a big success for the employées, the company and – probably – in consequence even for the clients. but who needs clients, anyway?

i am aware of the circumstance that this time it is a much more ambitious challenge. a different environment (a very complicated one), a different infrastructure. and different people.

sometimes i wish i would know more about group dynamics.