will i be doing something very rigid, soon?
currently, i am struggling with myself about my personal policy regarding comments on this weblog.
generally, i think they are pretty useless here. simply because i don't get so many. which is totally okay, after all i am not writing for appeal most of the time.
on the other hand, if a text calls for reaction, i am pretty picky about what a comment has to be. i don't think just because there is an empty text field one immediately has to enter some words and click a button (maybe i should modify the line "enter a comment"; it is instructive, actually). needless to say that a comment needs a semantic connex to its parent posting, anyway.
feedback noise always appears to me as if somebody interrupts me while i am speaking just to focus on a completely different subject. besides the eventuality of annyoing me, it definitely distracts from a potential discourse. why should i think that's acceptable here, when it's not acceptable eye-in-eye?
that's why i think about removing such comments. and i wish i really could remove them, to some other space where their existence is justifiable. alas, at the moment i can't. technical implications.
believe it or not, i don't consider this weblog the right place for discussions, anyway. sure, i'll let it happen, but i really prefer other environments.