Memento Mori.
This 1997 Line-up at Luton Hoo would still be a block buster today.

My big sister and I have been there. I was so keen to see a Kraftwerk gig, one of their rare concerts at the time. We agreed upon meeting “at the entrace of the Tower” (!) around noon (!!), and of course I totally miscalculated the transfer from Stansted to the city. And no mobile phones (!!!), not even dumb ones. Milli ran in circles because she was afraid to miss me. But eventually there i was, just a few hours late. The next step in our non-existing plan consisted of finding a hotel which was almost impossible, and we somehow ended up in the typical London hostel with tight staircase, stained carpet, windowless room and creaking bed. Not to mention the breakfast. Regarding the Tribal Gathering, I missed all the other cool stuff (which I only found out about in hindsight). We were pretty cold even though we bought a pink fleece blanket for an arm and a leg, while the locals jumped around in shorts and bikinis. Classy. On Sunday morning the trains did not depart before 9am or the like, I wanted to take a Taxi, you refused, so we loitered at the station after a sleepless, chilling night, and somehow we made it back to the hostel. I wish I could tell you one last time how great this was. Thank you for being there.