The Impossible Bottle is a beautiful, witty and enthralling text adventure I recently found by way of Linus Åkesson’s website – which itself is full of amazing wonders, my mind boggles!
Even better, it rekindled my past love for these kind of interactive storytelling – although I am not very good with solving such puzzles at all! But already the feeling I get after being immersed in the narrative (and this is such a brilliant one!) is priceless; something between excitement and suspense, between reading about what is going on and participating in the action, between this world and another 🕳
So I got hooked a bit and found some similar gems by Brian Rushton:
- The Impossible Stairs (authorized sequel to “The Impossible Bottle”)
- Grooverland
- Color The Truth
And then there is Chandler Groover, the titular saint of Grooverland, and his collection of interactive ficiton I still need to check out…
Relevant: Dial-a-SID (interactive non-fiction!)