this is an instructional text about how to find the homepage of wolfgang wiggers:
listen many times to that one song by kastrierte philosophen and always be inspired by that computer voice saying
"'i am a soldier!' he cried, snapping to attention, 'and soldiers have nothing to give but their lives. so, i give to you three days of my life! here, take my dogtag. when i report in without it, my lieutenant will give me three days in jail. this is my gift to you.' i had to accept."
without completely getting what you hear.
years later, buy the book "the process" by brion gysin, finally read it and stumble across the quoted lines on page 75 (stumble across many other words like "bou jeloud" and sentences like "there are no brothers" that touch the memory of other kastrierte philosophen songs).
finally, try unsuccessfully downloading the song "souldier" from audiogalaxy and in your disappointment search the web for kastrierte philosophen to find wolfgang wiggers' page on top.
btw. if i could, i would book katrin achinger right away... what a voice, what a happy face.