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Network 3000:
10 months ago

What I learned at lange Nacht der Forschung 2024:
- There are jumping genes! (Great band name, btw.)
- Our memories are totally flawed (they just want to do good, so be kind.)
- The research at the Central European University is very impressive, the students are avid presenters and passionate about their topic
- The chapters Dirk Stermann read from his recent book are… weird?
- The contrast agency I got for an MRI scan that day was not radioactive (anymore)
- UNO City is even cooler at night
- I can script my own schedule from the very simple Merkzettel in 40 minutes: lange-nacht-der-forschung (application/pdf, 163 KB)
Relevant: Barbara McClintock – A Feeling for the Organism.