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2 months ago
p3k dots

At around the age of 20, sometime around 1990, I listened a lot to Clock DVA.

Along with the thrill of electronic music came the intriguing lyrics and references: information technology, human-machine interactions, chaos theory – all enriched with philosophical and artistic elements, sometimes even brushing against the edges of esotericism.

The dark narratives were a bit intimidating, and the often cryptic lyrics didn’t help. Still, of course, I wanted to see and hear live what Adi Newton and his fellow musicians would perform on stage.

So, the closest concert was in Cologne, a little over halfway between Sheffield and where I was living at the time.

A friend of mine, who shared my enthusiasm for Clock DVA, and I drove the black car with white boys about 400 km to where the "black souls in white suits" were set to perform. We arrived just in time, only to find a laconic note at the entrance to the venue, written by someone: “Concert canceled.”

Bummer. We drove back the same night, quite a journey for a gig we never saw. The project went off my radar after I found their follow-up releases less appealing and soon after lost interest.

Thirty years later, I saw a Clock DVA concert announced at Flex in Vienna – and this time, I wouldn’t be disappointed.

Relevant: Organ Needles by the Anti Group.