23 years ago
p3k dots

phew, i wonder if (and if, how much) this project got political implications: they rule displays the boards of director's of america's bigcos and reveals their interweavements (does it?) and donations of money in politics. ie. it shows the decision makers and their influence on our everyday lives.

very impressive, even if the database might get out of sync with reality. i think that truly deserves a golden nica for net excellence (via conspirat comm port).

same respect for logicaland which already pleases with its very clear visualisation of current world facts. let's see what it's like to play the game, then. it looks very promising.

and i also like to watch minitasking and say "schönerwissen" to mysqlf (nice typo, heh?).

wow, i think this year the aec jury really made good choices. at least in the net category. i am very happy, guys (in a hermaphroditic sense*).

* this term was coined by morgan russell.