weblogs, too? guardian online, orf fm4, weblogs.de?
<rant> my bloody opinion of the day: a commercial weblog is a paradoxon. weblogs are like pirate stations transmitting via http. logma 3000. i rather won't call my own stuff here "weblog" than using the term for yet another outcome of mass media myth or professional portal parasitism. </rant>
other quotes:
weblogs.com: "weblogs are often-updated sites that point to articles elsewhere on the web, often with comments, and to on-site articles. [...] the people who run weblogs, they point to each other, in all kinds of structures, graphs, loops, etc."
robotwisdom: "weblogs don't replace the function of publishing articles, but they do replace the function of publishing tables of contents, which for commercial zines have to hype their content dishonestly, and can't normally highlight good articles in other sources."
e&p: "[...] as weblogging becomes more widespread among corporations, there's likely to be some resentment from the pioneers who see it as an anti-corporate concept."
salon: "weblogs, typically, are personal web sites operated by individuals who compile chronological lists of links to stuff that interests them, interspersed with information, editorializing and personal asides."
scribble: "having 10 million hits is not the game plan. having 10 regular readers is a home run."
probably one day the one or the other has to "think of a better name than 'weblog', just start using it and see if it catches on" (jorn barger).