i like cheese.
i probably will never understand why some people expect justifications from private writers (e.g. from me) for a deleted commentary (or even a deleted story of your own).
true, one will have to cope with the consequences: people who are concerned will judge you differently and their minds create a certain kind of image of your personality (but don't worry: there is more influence on that than a fistful of deleted comments).
however, i strongly believe that a smart attitude towards deletion will improve the quality of your writing and the other opinions that's surrounding it.
hello, this is my little niche and i will paint it the way i like it!
sure it would be a good idea to add a little disclaimer at the right spot (thanks for the hint, mr powazek).
apologies, at the moment i have no time (nor motivation) for that just as these are lacking to finally write the masthead or many other things to communicate which accumulate in mental drawers.
at least you have been warned, now.
note: this experience does not apply at all for collaborative writing.