...but still dave winer is able to raise most interesting questions: "can a small record label run a virus too, or just the monopolies? how about a software company? how about the department of justice? can they install a virus on our systems to look for terrorism and report it back to the fbi? do you think that would be constitutional? what if there's a conflict betw a record label's virus and a car dealer's virus, which one survives? can a record label rent space in its virus to do someone else's bidding? could they put an advertisement in their virus? can i go to the bathroom while a virus is running? what information on my hard disk is private? what if i record my own mp3, can they erase that? who pays for the bandwidth the virus uses? does their virus have an implicit shrinkwrap agreement? can symantec defend against hollywood's virus? could an irate user write a virus that seeks out michael eisner's computer and destroys his data? what about jack valenti's computer? hillary rosen? can we read their data? do we have any privacy remaining after this law is passed?"