just a few no-nos about spam due to the rise of the latest antville macro:
no, i don't think fake e-mail addresses will stop spam but it's already a winner if some more attention is drawn to this lousy topic by jörg kantel's initiative.
no, i don't think it's a good idea to send "remove me" replies to spam e-mails. according to the electronic privacy information center "'remove me' options on spam are often fake. that is, if you respond to request removal, you very well may be subjecting yourself to more spam, because by responding, the sender knows that your e-mail account is active".
no, i don't think we should use images to communicate e-mail addresses because that's the real nonsense. why then not build your site with photoshop at all? it's already enough that german mastheads have to be fitted with address gifs.
no, i don't think the old usenet strategies will help. it's not that they are generally wrong, but they have some distinct goals and look a little bit, uhm, yesterdayish.
no, i won't call spam anything else than spam. why the hell should i? both, unsolicited e-mail and hormel's product are inedible like a cup of hot pus and as necessary as a hole in the head.