25 years ago
p3k dots

at 9 pm i am leaving vienna with the night train to jena. for about two and a half weeks i will be on a trip that leads me to hannover, finland and back to south-germany. i will meet arfco3000 in zeiss-city. i will see some parts of expo2000 (well, maybe). i will have incredible long days because in maaninka there is almost no sunset at the time. and finally i will meet my lovely parents (don't click on this link, it's not workin – i just love the url...).

i did not know that tango is so great in suomi. maybe we will dare a little dance when the weather is alright...

my contributions to this site will even be more decreasing for the time i am off. it's not that there would not be a chance to get internet access. it's merely that i probably will feel very good being offline. at least for some days... best regards to the lovely ones. you all know best who you are.