22 years ago
p3k dots

related to the previous posting: network solutions horror stories. makes me wanna expropriate this comapny...

mark paschal got a link to a horror story, too. furthermore, he somehow recommends jumpdomain.com as registrar.

i also found godaddy.com being mentioned some more times. and certainly the community at slashdot got good advice for frustrated nsi customers, too.

from my own experience i absolutely agree upon the bad reputation of nsi/verisign. it's not only a fishy commercial corporation administrating the people's web identity but even an unscrupulous syndicate using questionable business practices to gain profit selling the heart of the world wide web.

the good news is, though, that nic.at comes off quite well in direct comparison: it did not take one day for them to update the a domain's dns record after i sent both the online request and the fax confirmation to them.