25 years ago
p3k dots

the finland compilation (pt 2.): before i went to finland i visited jena, home of jenoptik (where is the postal address?), intershop and – most important – netdyslexia.

besides a little workshop i participated in at the faculty of media philosophy (and which lead to an important decision for myself, but more about that another day), i met a bunch of the jenenser webloggers (reimar kosack took a picture of us one night). well, no doubt, this city is the german epicenter of weblogism at the time bringing us netdyslexia (meanwhile in new clothes), n area, publog, clublog, projektlog (don't let the "weimar" in the url confuse you :) and another heap of blogs. unfortunately, with the latter being a university's project there is some holiday-caused radio silence to be expected...

together with arfco3000 i bought some east german sweets. my favorite is "schlagersüsstafel", not only because of the dazzling name.

last thing i remember from finland for now is that claudia nearly was hit by a falling branch of a tree in turku. no kidding.