i like reading scripting news. dave winer has a good approach towards discussion on the web. here on haboglabologgin' i do not provide a possibility to leave a message. no feedback form, no message board or guestbook. this article by dave winer points out some arguments why.
true, the main reason is that blogger does not provide such a thing. but i thought a lot about what "participation" means. and i am taking a new direction here, a different one than before, when i generally qualified websites without a discussion group as insufficient.
if anybody is reading this and is really interested in what i write here and / or considers it important to add a point of view to it this is certainly possible via e-mail.
on helma there was a lot of "second-guessing" and "proving wrong" going on. however, the difference might be that unlike dave winer's web sites helma never took any attempt to provide a description what it is all about. sure, this was a big opportunity for the editors. but quite often the discussions were lame and / or energy-consuming (i think that topic could be an interesting essay to be written in depth).