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Network 3000:
21 years ago

"We can't help the DJ starification. If I'm against it, because we are basically 'record pushers', people always needed icons. As a woman, I'm proud to be in the minority. I can't say I was a direct macho-victim but it's true, we mostly earn less than men, and I saddly think you rarely succeed if you are fat and uggly. It's a common fact. When we DJ,1st people will pay attention to our appearance, figure, clothes, make up. If 'male DJs' are sexually more successfull when famous, it's undirectly not the case for us. As we can consider the 'groupie effect' as a girl thing, men may fantasm on us, they mostly are too scared to approach us, and it's really fine for me!!!"
from miss kittin's biography (via euroranch).