25 years ago
p3k dots

the last five days i have been to three movies. quite a lot after months of not going to any cinema at all: besides "heller als der mond" (as already recorded) i watched lucky people center international by erik pauser & johan söderberg and catherine breillat's romance. latter one is a quite explicit movie showing sexuality without any retention from a female point of view. rarely to see on screen. the movie holds some secrets difficult to grasp beneath its plot which makes the story partly not unrealistic, merely methaphoric. conclusio: the relationship between men and women will hardly be at ease.

the "lucky people center" is said to be a rave club somewhere in sweden. and techno music is the soundtrack of the internationalized but almost homonymic movie accompanying indeed very beautiful pictures of mother earth and her children all around the world who are all unique and special (well, certainly except the chinese who invaded tibet, and this kind of monochrome depiction is the big mistake of the movie). however, i was quite entertained by the energetic rhythms and sounds and especially by the story with the ape and the python. ooh!