24 years ago
p3k dots

coaching poor writers to excellence in writing: the modern word.

nevertheless, i disagree with the vision that "more and more bloggers will start to write longer texts" (= more words) sooner or later. it's a natural misinterpretation that length is a measure of quality (honi soit qui mal y pense!) or level of difficulty. instead, writing short articles or even just adding a comment or description to a link as well can be quite an artistic act and hard work as weaving the holistic epos – especially when trying to provide sufficient and transparent information at the same time.

mcweblogs are the pirate fast food stations of the web.

i certainly would not consider a lot of weblogs (including this one) following this theory. but the point is that i cannot see weblogs to be made for linguistic deep sea diving, merely for short-winded cruise passengers in a hurry snatching some text oysters when snorkling by. sure, "linear non-hypertext is here to stay" (and the term of "weblogs as initial drug for public writing" is a very good point, too), but in the end again, i would not call it weblog. well, probably just a wittgensteiny matter of language...

moreover, my mind likes the small chunks of my weblog and i believe that summaries are undermining epic stardom. you only live once. or: you don't even live once! or: about this brittle weblog: lord, forgive them, for they know what they do.

what a lengthy article this became...

a website dedicated to the works of umberto eco.